Tuesday, May 6, 2008

First Tracks

This is Ethan at Grandpa's Cabin. The snow had a layer of crust so you fell every time you turned to sharply. This shot was taken on the road below the cabin. Val was also snowboarding on this spot, but luckily Ethan was able to go down first. This awesome picture was taken by Jim Leavitt. If you would like, this photo is on SkiUtah.com in their photo contest, it is around page 41-50 also there is a picture right next to it with me jumping off the big cabin, here is the URL http://www.skiutah.com/photocontest08/vote.php it was on page 41 when i last looked thanks for voting.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Hi Amy! Glad you got on board with the blogging! Love the snow... it is so beautiful... I can't wait to get to Uncle Jim's mountain again!