Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day. I wish I could say that I had the perfect day today, but if I did, that wouldn't be honest, really. I think we expect too much sometimes, so today I expected nothing, and that was OK. We tried, Ethan made me pancakes for breakfast, but they fell apart. After church we devoured an entire loaf of fresh bread and then ate ham and bean soup from a can. We lounged, napped, had fhe and then went to bed. At least we made it through the day and next year will be better. I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful or not. :)

1 comment:

Angela S said...

I'm glad you had an ok day. I learned a few years ago that if I went in to any holiday not expecting the commercialized perfection we usually associate with it, then I'll have a great day. And for me it makes all the difference in the world.