Sunday, June 29, 2008

Memorial Day Continued

I must apologize for the photo dump. I haven't posted for sometime and have some great photos to share from our weekend in Annabella. (The previous photos were too small - if anyone knows how to enlarge them, let me know. I'm still getting this blog stuff figured out.)

On our way down we stopped and met Mylee Leavitt - gorgeous daughter of Josh & Leslie.

Ethan and Mclaine are taking a break inside the cabin. I think those two could snowboard forever and you wouldn't hear a complaint. We hope Mclaine enjoyed his first visit to our mountain.

Isaac had a blast skating and hanging out with his cousin, Noah.

Grandpa Leavitt treated Emily and Ellie to strawberries in his green house. They loved eating every juicy red berry they could find.

On Sunday we tried to take family pictures after church. Jim's idea, I'm sure. I don't know what we were laughing at, maybe we were all just happy to be together!


Laurie said...

Amy, you look beautiflu.
When you click on the photo button a screen comes up, obn that screen (before choosing the picts) you can select the size and position of each photo. I mostly use large.

Cody and Sarah said...

Amy, you do look beautiful. Is that your foot track next to the bear print or ethans? Either way dad needs to take care of the bear.

Beerjerk said...

Emily looks so grown up in the pictures. you all look cute!! Especially Ethan with his girly hair