Thursday, December 16, 2010

My grandmother, Mary Ellen, undertook the gigantic task of making a quilt for each grandchild. She successfully completed the task and passed out the quilts to each of the grandchildren at a family reunion this past July 2010. We gathered together and watched as grandmother told about the history of the quilt and why she choose the design and fabric with that grandchild in mind. In return, the grandchild was requested to sing a song that had something to do with that quilt. We loved seeing all of the quilts hanging one by one - quite majestic really.

My quilt. As the oldest grandchild my quilt was completed first :)

This is one of my favorite quilts. It went to my youngest cousin. Love the sailboats!

This is our family accepting my quilt. I don't remember what song we attempted to sing.

My lovely Grandmother, Mary Ellen with Emily.

The gym was lined with beautiful quilts.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

That's great Amy, I'm so glad you found your password.