Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Porcupine & The Bear

Finally the post everyone has been asking about. The first day we were at the cabin we encountered two wild animals - a porcupine and a bear. On our way down from the spanish gold mine, Ethan and Mclaine, spotting a porcupine hiding in the trees. We bothered the poor animal for a good half hour, taking pictures, petting it, yes you read right... petting it! It was actually kind of cute, let us know what you think.

We did not however, pet the bear. We spotted our bear walking across the road and saw mill area while we were roasting marshmallows around the campfire. I said, in a very calm voice, "there's the bear" Grandpa thought I was joking until the others chimed in and ran for the cabin. If you want to know the rest of the'll have to wait for the official version to be released.

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