Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our Week!

This sums up our week. Basketball. Skateboarding. That's it. Ethan made his free throw shot. Emily thought she was part of the team...treats and all.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day. I wish I could say that I had the perfect day today, but if I did, that wouldn't be honest, really. I think we expect too much sometimes, so today I expected nothing, and that was OK. We tried, Ethan made me pancakes for breakfast, but they fell apart. After church we devoured an entire loaf of fresh bread and then ate ham and bean soup from a can. We lounged, napped, had fhe and then went to bed. At least we made it through the day and next year will be better. I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful or not. :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ethan at the Canyons Ski Resort

This is Ethan at the Canyons Ski Resort, with his friend Mclaine Free. They switched off filming each other hitting jumps and boxes. We were tryng to make a movies out of all our clips that we made but no one has a movie maker that works with the camera and video player we used.

First Tracks

This is Ethan at Grandpa's Cabin. The snow had a layer of crust so you fell every time you turned to sharply. This shot was taken on the road below the cabin. Val was also snowboarding on this spot, but luckily Ethan was able to go down first. This awesome picture was taken by Jim Leavitt. If you would like, this photo is on in their photo contest, it is around page 41-50 also there is a picture right next to it with me jumping off the big cabin, here is the URL it was on page 41 when i last looked thanks for voting.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hello World!

We decided after looking at blogs of other family members that we need to jump in and create our blog. So here we go. We think this is a great idea, especially because our family is a little spread out right now. So welcome! We hope to share some of ourselves with you through these pages...