Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fall Harvest

Apricots, Apricots, Plums and Apples.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Snowboarding in September!

These are pictures of a snowboard competition that I was in a few weeks ago. There wasn't very many people there so I had to go up against other snowboarders 2 years and older than me, therefore I didn't place. I had fun anyway. I feel accomplished because I learned what the judges are looking for and got a little out of my comfort zone and now know what I must do to win next year.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Seattle Slide Show

I had so many pictures of the Seattle trip that I decided to compose a slide show for the rest. Some of these photos are of family members and the rest are scenery & nature. I hope you enjoy!

Seattle Trip

In August our family joined Grandma & Grandpa Leavitt, Josh & Leslie, Gerald & Val, Sarah and Jesse at Laramie's home in Seattle. We spent several days at Pacific Beach, playing in the water & sand, hiking in the green rainforests and enjoying eachother's company.

My brother, Josh, taking a "different path" during our hike in the rain forest.

Emily plays against a tree with very cool pink polka dots.

Sister Sarah and SIL Leslie enjoying the hike with their two daughters, Ellie & Sydney.

Amy & Ethan

Ethan dares to grab a Star Fish. I'm not sure why he didn't hold it closer :)

Isaac was King on top of the driftwood stack that we claimed for an afternoon. The large pile of weathered logs blocked the breeze perfectly!

Ellie looks very sophisticated playing in the sand. Gotta love the sunglasses!

We HAD to get up early one morning and visit the beach during low tide. Needless to say it was very chilly out and we didn't spend much time combing the sand for treasures.

Sarah flew into Seattle from Arizona to join the family vacation. It was so much fun having her there! I love this picture of Sarah.

I also love this photo of my brother Jesse. He got himself sunburned early in the vacation and so he tried to avoid the sun from then on. I'm not sure how long he was able to hold this particular pose.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Porcupine & The Bear

Finally the post everyone has been asking about. The first day we were at the cabin we encountered two wild animals - a porcupine and a bear. On our way down from the spanish gold mine, Ethan and Mclaine, spotting a porcupine hiding in the trees. We bothered the poor animal for a good half hour, taking pictures, petting it, yes you read right... petting it! It was actually kind of cute, let us know what you think.

We did not however, pet the bear. We spotted our bear walking across the road and saw mill area while we were roasting marshmallows around the campfire. I said, in a very calm voice, "there's the bear" Grandpa thought I was joking until the others chimed in and ran for the cabin. If you want to know the rest of the'll have to wait for the official version to be released.

July 24th Weekend

The kids and I spent several days enjoying one of our favorite places - grandpa's cabin. Ethan and his friend Mclaine Free spent hours heating up the hot tub so that it would meet mom's expectations. They did a great job. I think they were able to get it up to 110.

And then they convinced Grandpa Jim and Uncle Gerald to build a rope swing. They searched for the perfect tree and within an hour we were all swinging.

Ethan, Mclaine, Isaac, Grandpa and Amy hiked up to the spanish gold mine. Ethan and Isaac hated it when grandpa turned off all of the flashlights when we were deep in the cave. I chose to go in and out quickly and then photograph wildflowers...see the slide show below.

One of our favorite places to visit on "our mountain" is Joe Jarit's cabin. This time, Amy got the coveted four wheeler ride to the fallen down cabin. By the way, if you don't know the story of Joe Jerit and his gold, be sure and ask, it's a classic.

Cabin Scenery Slide Show

Ross Park

The summer has gone by so quickly! We haven't gotten all of our list done, but we did go to Ross Park this summer with our good friends, the Free's.

Good Bye Chris!

Our exchange student, Christopher, went home in June. We were invited to his farewell party. However, I am not sure if he was the life of the party or if it was the bearded dragon!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Memorial Day Continued

I must apologize for the photo dump. I haven't posted for sometime and have some great photos to share from our weekend in Annabella. (The previous photos were too small - if anyone knows how to enlarge them, let me know. I'm still getting this blog stuff figured out.)

On our way down we stopped and met Mylee Leavitt - gorgeous daughter of Josh & Leslie.

Ethan and Mclaine are taking a break inside the cabin. I think those two could snowboard forever and you wouldn't hear a complaint. We hope Mclaine enjoyed his first visit to our mountain.

Isaac had a blast skating and hanging out with his cousin, Noah.

Grandpa Leavitt treated Emily and Ellie to strawberries in his green house. They loved eating every juicy red berry they could find.

On Sunday we tried to take family pictures after church. Jim's idea, I'm sure. I don't know what we were laughing at, maybe we were all just happy to be together!

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent Memorial Day in Annabella, Utah and had so much fun playing in the SNOW at the cabin. Gerald, Jesse, Grandpa and Amy hiked and snowmobiled to the top of the mountain above the cabin. The view was magnificent! Ethan and Mclaine spent the day snowboarding. I'm pretty sure they were in heaven. Emily and Isaac hung out with Grandma, Sarah and Maria at the Fremont Indian Museum.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our Week!

This sums up our week. Basketball. Skateboarding. That's it. Ethan made his free throw shot. Emily thought she was part of the team...treats and all.