Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Images from the California shores.......

Ethan inherited the "Crazy Leavitt hair"

Gregg and Ethan with the west coast attitude!

Emily loved the sand!
Isaac and Emily acting cool!
Rough life in Huntington Beach:)
Ethan after a long day of surfing lessons. He and Isaac seemed to take to it quite well.
Looking for sea shells by the sea shore.

We took the kids to Huntington Beach, CA for a short beach vacation. We loved lounging on the beach, taking surfing lessons, picking up sea shells, learning to skim board and sampling the local fare.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy 16th Birthday Ethan!

Ethan turned 16 this past summer. I'm honestly not sure how that happened. Just yesterday he was a three year old creating paper star wars characters.

The cutest 16 year old boy ever...and still manages to be a great kid. Quite impressive!!

I commission the T Shirt quilt a year before this day. We all loved how it turned out. Save your old T Shirts and sports jersey's!!

Amy spend most of the day making this cake. It turned out delicious...really delicious!

Ethan has always been the favorite oldest cousin.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My grandmother, Mary Ellen, undertook the gigantic task of making a quilt for each grandchild. She successfully completed the task and passed out the quilts to each of the grandchildren at a family reunion this past July 2010. We gathered together and watched as grandmother told about the history of the quilt and why she choose the design and fabric with that grandchild in mind. In return, the grandchild was requested to sing a song that had something to do with that quilt. We loved seeing all of the quilts hanging one by one - quite majestic really.

My quilt. As the oldest grandchild my quilt was completed first :)

This is one of my favorite quilts. It went to my youngest cousin. Love the sailboats!

This is our family accepting my quilt. I don't remember what song we attempted to sing.

My lovely Grandmother, Mary Ellen with Emily.

The gym was lined with beautiful quilts.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day

Hanging out with the kids last Sunday. We all went on a bike ride and enjoyed the day! I'm enjoying spending more time with the kids now that the semester is over.
Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Winter 2010

Me having fun in my favorite element

Even though my mom said we were back to blogging, obviously that hasn't been entirely true. But just to make my mom not a liar I will post some random pictures from this winter. Hopefully this will give my mom some momentum so she will start blogging again. -Ethan

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We're BACK!

After years of being absent from posting on our blog, we finally figured out how to log in again. Yeah! Watch for upcoming posts :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008 In Review

Life has been so busy this past year, that blogging has not kept pace with our activities! As a year end wrap-up I've grabbed some of the photos that have not made it onto these pages! Best wishes to all for a great 2009!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fall Harvest

Apricots, Apricots, Plums and Apples.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Snowboarding in September!

These are pictures of a snowboard competition that I was in a few weeks ago. There wasn't very many people there so I had to go up against other snowboarders 2 years and older than me, therefore I didn't place. I had fun anyway. I feel accomplished because I learned what the judges are looking for and got a little out of my comfort zone and now know what I must do to win next year.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Seattle Slide Show

I had so many pictures of the Seattle trip that I decided to compose a slide show for the rest. Some of these photos are of family members and the rest are scenery & nature. I hope you enjoy!